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What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a degenerative process that can happen in all articulations.

Like inflammation, it is a solution that our body has found to reduce the pressure on the bones' surfaces. When the cartilage gets used up, its function of absorbing shocks diminishes and therefore, the pressure on the bones increases. This is how arthritis starts.

Signs of arthritis:

- pain during movement which decreases when resting

- stiffness, especially after a resting period

- inflammation/swelling of the articulation

- "sand effect" while moving the articulation


The development of arthritis. 

Osteopathy and arthritis

Arthritis is a natural reaction of the body. Once it has started, it is impossible to stop and remove it. But the osteopathy can slow down the process and relieve the pain with decompression techniques, adjustment of the body balance and muscle tension releases.

The decompression techniques are very gentle and soft. They tend to bring back some fluid in the articulation and diminish the pressure within the articulation. It also helps to soften the ligaments attached to the affected joint.

Adjustment of the body balance helps to even out the pressure in the articulations. Pelvis adjustment is very important because it dictates if our gravity center is rightly centered. In a case of a misaligned pelvis, the gravity center slips to one side, and the pressure in the joints on this side increases.

Muscles releases. Arthritis makes the body 'system' rusty and less mobile. The muscles then need more energy and power to move the articulations and therefore start to tense up and bring more pressure onto the articulations. Muscle release techniques are used to release these tensions causing the articulations under pressure.

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